PSEE Poster Resources

Our posters are the perfect complement to creating an energy efficiency campaign in your workplace. These informative and eye-catching posters are freely available upon registration to the PSEE website and can be placed in strategic areas of the workplace as a reminder of the importance of energy efficiency.

PSEE Aircon

Air conditioning an office for 1 extra hour a day uses enough energy in a month to power a TV for over a year.

PSEE Compressed air

The energy wasted from a compressed air leak the size of a match head is responsible for yearly CO2 emissions equal to the weight of an elephant.

PSEE Computer

A computer left on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double-decker bus.

PSEE Fridge

A chiller door left open for 30 minutes a day wastes enough energy in a year to power a lighthouse for nearly 4 days.

PSEE Heating

A 2°C increase in office temperature creates enough CO2 in a year to fill a hot air balloon.


Office lights left on overnight use enough energy in a year to heat a home for almost 5 months.

PSEE Photocopier

A photocopier left on standby overnight wastes enough energy to make 30 cups of tea.